Crime Type | Victim Count | Crime Type | Victim Count |
419/Overpayment | 265 | Health Care Related | 4 |
Advanced Fee | 242 | IPR/Copyright and Counterfeit | 32 |
Auction | 218 | Identity Theft | 241 |
BEC/EAC | 115 | Investment | 10 |
Charity | 4 | Lottery/Sweepstakes | 80 |
Civil Matter | 16 | Malware/Scareware | 25 |
Confidence Fraud/Romance | 180 | Misrepresentation | 51 |
Corporate Data Breach | 16 | No Lead Value | 49 |
Credit Card Fraud | 580 | Non-payment/Non-Delivery | 944 |
Crimes Against Children | 19 | Other | 121 |
Criminal Forums | 0 | Personal Data Breach | 436 |
Denial of Service | 3 | Phishing/Vishing/Smishing/Pharming | 180 |
Employment | 200 | Ransomware | 37 |
Extortion | 224 | Re-shipping | 9 |
Gambling | 1 | Real Estate/Rental | 93 |
Government Impersonation | 157 | Tech Support | 104 |
Hacktivist | 0 | Terrorism | 6 |
Harassment/Threats of Violence | 195 | Virus | 5 |
Descriptors* | |||
Social Media | 290 | Virtual Currency | 10 |
*These descriptors relate to the medium or tool used to facilitate the crime, and are used by the IC3 for tracking purposes only. They are available only after another crime type has been selected. |